Customized Order Form

E-mail Address:
Cost Estimate Currency:
Example: USD, GBP, EUR
Replica Food Details

Example 1:
(we accept measurements in inches or centimeters)
Menu item name: Pasta with tomato sauce dish
Quantity: 1
Dish diameter: 24 cm
Dish height: 5 cm
- Light yellow spaghetti pasta noodles
- Tomato sauce
- Parmesan cheese topping
- Parsley topping

Example 2:
(we accept measurements in inches or centimeters)
Menu item name: Steak dish
Quantity: 10
Dish diameter: 26 cm
Dish height: 2.5 cm
- Steak (size: 14 cm x 4 cm x 2 cm)
- 20 Asparagus (individual size: 12cm x 1 cm x 0.5 cm)
- Baked potato with butter (size: 7cm x 4 cm x 5 cm)

Attach Photos
1. When sending 2+ photos, save as a ZIP file and upload
2. Avoid generic photos where possible
If applicable, will you be sending us any plates, bowls, glasses, cups, etc. as shown in your photos to our location in Osaka, Japan?
 Yes No
 I understand that if I place an order, the replica food production process will take 6-8 weeks on average regardless of the quantity

Confirmed Order Cost Estimate Examples (click on the images below to enlarge)

Example 1 (Russia):
Example 2 (Saudi Arabia):
Example 3 (Singapore):